How to Choose the Right Excavator Bucket?
When choosing an excavator bucket:
1.The first thing to consider is the specific application and type of material you are handling.
Different excavator bucket types are suited to different tasks. Using the right bucket will help you get the job done efficiently.
General purpose bucket: This is the standard attachment for an excavator and can be used to move loose dirt, loam, mixed gravel and other soil types. A general purpose bucket is often the best solution for digging, loading and cleanup.
Heavy-duty bucket/rock bucket: Excavating abrasive materials such as sand and crushed rock will be easier with a heavy-duty or high abrasion bucket. These buckets resist abrasion and withstand high breakout and impact forces. You can use them for excavating broken slag, sandstone, iron ore and high quartz granite or for loading tightly compacted materials. They may include a spade nose or a straight edge and can accept different types of teeth.
Grading bucket: This wide bucket has a straight edge with no teeth and a flat surface, making it useful for smoothing out soil and aggregates.In addition to landscape work, a grading bucket is excellent for backfilling, sloping, loading material and cleaning ditches. If you’re struggling with whether to choose a ditching bucket vs grading bucket, the answer is easy: They’re the same bucket, used for different purposes.
Trenching bucket: A trenching bucket is a narrow bucket used to dig trenches. Size the bucket for the desired width of the trench.
Tilting bucket: A tilting bucket, also known as an angle tilt bucket, allows for precise angles (up to 45 degrees in both directions) for superior grading and leveling work.
Manufacturers also offer special application buckets. These include skeleton buckets that separate rock from sand and buckets with clamps used to keep materials in the bucket.
2.Remember the weight of the bucket limits your cycle time, and the bucket only becomes heavier when loaded with heavy materials.
3.As a rule of thumb, use a smaller bucket for higher-density materials to avoid slowed productivity.
4.Different applications can also require specific types of buckets.
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